Formula Index

Welcome to Wiki Formulas --Online Calculadoras--

This website contains a database of formulas. Our current focus is perimeter, area and equations formulas for plane geometry shapes.

>Online Calculators of Perimeter Formulas

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Circle

Rectangle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Ring

Semiircle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Semicircle

Stadium Perimeter

Perimeter of a Stadium

Isosceles Triangle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Isosceles Triangle

Rectangle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Right Triangle

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Equilateral Triangle

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Scalene Triangle

Rhombus Perimeter

Perimeter of a square

Rectangle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Rectangle

Isosceles Trapezoid Perimeter

Perimeter of a Isosceles Trapezoid

Trapezoide Perimeter

Perimeter of a Trapezoid

Rhombus Perimeter

Perimeter of a Rhombus

Rhomboid Perimeter

Perimeter of a Rhomboid

Pentagon Perimeter

Perimeter of a Pentagon

Pentagram Perimeter

Perimeter of a Pentagram

Hexagon Perimeter

Perimeter of a Hexagon

Hexagram Perimeter

Perimeter of a Hexagram

Perímetro de un Dodecagono

Perimeter of a Heptagon

Perímetro de un Dodecagono

Perímeter of a Heptagram

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Octagon

Octagram Perimeter

Perimeter of a Octagram

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Nonagon

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Nonagram

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Decagon

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Decagram

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Dodecagon

Circle Perimeter

Perimeter of a Dodecagram

See all Perimeter Formulas

Thoughts on Mathematics

Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe.
- Galileo Galilei (1564/1642)

I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning.
- Plato (427—347 B.C.E.)

Mathematics is the queen of the sciences.
- Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777/1855)

There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres (planets).
- Pythagoras (569/500 B.C.E)

The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.
- Euclid( c. 300 B.C.E) is a database of embeddable formulas, equations and calculators. You are allowed to use our calculators in any project as long as you give attribution.

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